Dr. Shanbhag
PhD Candidate, Instructor, Lecturer, Stanford University
Stanford / United States
Stanford University 2007 - 2013
University of Cambridge 2006 - 2007
History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
Columbia University in the City of New York 2004 - 2006
Philosophy and Physics
Harvard University 1998 - 2002
History and Science (Biochemistry) and Philosophy
Founder, NameCoach 07/2012 - current
I founded NameCoach (name-coach.com) to provide an easy-to-use solution to name mispronunciation in a variety of important settings: send a link, gather voice-recordings of people saying their name, and easily learn how to say it right straight from the source. The initial NameCoach service has been used for graduation ceremonies across the United States, and future releases will target much broader markets.
PhD Candidate, Instructor, Lecturer, Stanford University 09/2007 - current
Patrick Suppes Fellow in Philosophy of Science
Science and Technology Policy Graduate Fellow, National Academy of Sciences, Committee on International Security and Arms Control 01/2006 - 04/2006
Conducted research and analysis of domestic and international nuclear energy policy, nuclear non-proliferation, nuclear weapon policy, biosecurity concepts, and biological threats.
Senior Analyst, The Advisory Board Company, Health Care Advisory Board Innovations Center 01/2003 - 08/2004
Researched and co-authored reports on a strategic technology adoption forecasting system, emerging clinical technologies, hospital facility design, capital planning, service-line utilization, and health system strategy.
-Published “Confronting Specialty Competition,” Healthcare Executive Jan-Feb: (19)1: 38-39, 2004.
Research Intern, Office of Science and Technology Policy, The White House (Executive Office of the President) 07/2001 - 09/2001
Briefed Acting Science Advisor to the President, conducted research and analysis of energy technologies and policies, and reviewed assessments of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the U.S. Subcommittee on Ecological Systems.
Research Intern, Department of Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry, and Molecular Biology, University of Cincinnati 06/2000 - 09/2000
Conducted genomic/bioinformatic analysis of Aquaporin proteins.