Class introduction and logistics

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we've just automatically created this group for the class:
CS183B: How to Start a Startup, taught by Sam Altman, at Stanford University, Fall 2014.
A. What is the purpose of this group/board?
perkmylife mission for university students, professors and TAs is to provide the best studying tools
in all categories:
I. discussion and Q&A platform
II. class website for professors and TAs to upload course videos, slides and other studying materials
III. place for students, teachers and TAs to exchange any studying materials
IV. possibility to connect with other students and collaborate on different projects.
All is for free ...
B. How does it change my life?
I. You can almost immediately get answers from your class (other students, teachers, TAs, professors) to the questions you struggle with, as well as discuss any other topics on your class board.
Try it out - all your classmates, TAs and professors will get automatically notified and in 1-15 minutes you will see the answers you expect (we send emails to them).
II. We're striving to convince all teachers and professors around the world to keep their class websites at PERK, because students love structurized places that bring higher values than an isolated class website (if it exists at all), that's usually user unfriendly and you don't get any notifications about assignments or important announcements that are posted outside of perkmylife.
III. We give you an opportunity to share on our platform: class notes, and any other electronic files including google drive files (you can do it also privately, so that you specify who will see the shared files).
IV. Unlike any university and any other educational platform, we give you a great chance to make connections with other users. It allows you to get all important signals in your NewsBoard - about everything that's happening at your university and around you. It makes sense in case you don't want to miss any important event, meeting or assignment.
We're also Stanford students and alumni, so we know what still sucks in studies and needs to be disrupted!
C. Here is all we know about your class and this may be helpful for you:
I. You can almost immediately get answers from your class (other students, teachers, TAs, professors) to the questions you struggle with, as well as discuss any other topics on your class board.
Try it out - all your classmates, TAs and professors will get automatically notified and in 1-15 minutes you will see the answers you expect (we send emails to them).
II. We're striving to convince all teachers and professors around the world to keep their class websites at PERK, because students love structurized places that bring higher values than an isolated class website (if it exists at all), that's usually user unfriendly and you don't get any notifications about assignments or important announcements that are posted outside of perkmylife.
III. We give you an opportunity to share on our platform: class notes, and any other electronic files including google drive files (you can do it also privately, so that you specify who will see the shared files).
IV. Unlike any university and any other educational platform, we give you a great chance to make connections with other users. It allows you to get all important signals in your NewsBoard - about everything that's happening at your university and around you. It makes sense in case you don't want to miss any important event, meeting or assignment.
We're also Stanford students and alumni, so we know what still sucks in studies and needs to be disrupted!
C. Here is all we know about your class and this may be helpful for you:
Number of students enrolled: 272
Class students: http://perkmylife.com/board/2560/members
Professor: Sam Altman, sama@stanford.edu
Class begins: 9/22/2014
Class ends: 12/5/2014
Class ends: 12/5/2014
Days: Tue, Thu
Duration: 13:15:00 - 14:05:00
Location: NVIDIA Auditorium
Duration: 13:15:00 - 14:05:00
Location: NVIDIA Auditorium
Class website: http://startupclass.samaltman.com/
Piazza forum: https://piazza.com/class/i0de4cuxx3c5mi
PERK class: http://perkmylife.com/4study/course/78
Class board: http://perkmylife.com/board/2560
PERK class: http://perkmylife.com/4study/course/78
Class board: http://perkmylife.com/board/2560
However, this is all generated automatically by our clever bot that tends to make some mistakes from time to time. If you notice anything wrong, please let us know by posting below (we'll immediately get notified and will do our best to make the right changes)
D. Become an Admin of this group!
D. Become an Admin of this group!
If you are a student or TA and feel extremely excited about being engaged in the class management and impress your professors that's a great opportunity for you! (If you are a professor, just find a student that will do that for you!). Just send us a message: http://perkmylife.com/account/message/4242, writing:
"I want to become an Admin of the class http://perkmylife.com/board/2560" we'll set you all necessary permission and share you some tips and tricks ;)
Don't forget to tell your Stanford professors and friends about perkmylife classes!
Alright, we wish you all to learn a lot in this quarter
Find your motivation and time to shine in the class!
Make as many connections as possible
Don't forget to tell your Stanford professors and friends about perkmylife classes!
Alright, we wish you all to learn a lot in this quarter
Find your motivation and time to shine in the class!
Make as many connections as possible
this will all pay in the future ;)
Good luck!
Good luck!
PERK team
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